I needed to take an English Literature course and saw the Introduction to Film course. It does fulfill my literature requirement so I signed up. I thought this would be a fun and interesting class since my dad is a huge movie buff. I think he would be classified as a cinefilia to take a technical term from the class. I grew up with this love for movies. My dad takes it a step farther than I do, but I still really enjoy movies. I have to say I really enjoyed this class much more than I had anticipated. Of course, having a very enthusiastic professor helps tremendously.
I love this class so much, I will be taking the Film Studies as a minor. I decided to write and critique the movies we watched each week in class on this blog. I won't pick them apart too much, but more of a general review with a few discussions we had in class. Each week the movies were picked for the element of film we discussed that particular week. I will get my first review up later this week. I hope everyone will enjoy this new feature. Now on with the show.
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