I love browsing the internet and find so many great websites, articles, and just stuff I find that I like. How do you keep all that stuff organized? Many of us have tons of bookmarks, but I get tired of trying to keep that all organized so it doesn't become overly cluttered. I might accidentally delete a bookmark. I am tired of this problem. I have found a great solution called clipix!
The video will better explain what the website does for you, but basically it allows you to clip things you like on the internet into clipboards. You drag the clip button into your toolbar, and you are set to clip items you like while surfing the internet. All your clipboards are completely customizable, and you can even keep them private or share with everyone such as Facebook, Twitter, and such. You can also comment on clips or reclip a clip to share. The website is free to use.
You can have as many clipboards as you want. I have a clipboard I created shown below of my wish list. I am always coming across something I like so now I can easily save it (or clip it).
I am also planning to have clipboards for comparison shopping, books, movies, recipes, gift lists, decorating, or anything I want. I am just amazed at the endless possibilities clipix offers me. Another great feature is the free iPhone app you can download. It allows you to take pictures of the items you like and your clipboards on the go. I have downloaded it and love this app. It works very well.
Visit clipix today and start organizing your stuff. So leave me a comment on what you will use clipix for.
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